Wednesday, 14 May 2014

I heart Shoes and Clutches

Hi everyone!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! We are almost over the huddle of the week. :)

I am off to Barcelona next month for my husband's company retreat. So I have been working out and finding new clothes like crazy. In the mist of everything, I got some inspirations for doing a shoes and clutches series. :) I own so many pairs of shoes already, but I really think more wouldn't hurt! (Though my mom and husband would disagree). I have paired up some of our clutches with some fabulously affordable shoes that I think everyone should take a look at. Details below. Let me know what's your favorite, always interesting. If you like any of these clutches, you can check them out on our website

1. Our Coveted Clutch in black and white and Shoemint heels.

2. Our Volcan Clutch in red and black with Zara heels (I'm going to snap these in Spain next month!)

3. Our Aegean Clutch with Shoe Mint heels and these Oscar De La Renta bow shoes! Perfect for the casual and elegant!

4. Our Sara Clutch in pastel pink and black with shoes both from Zara! Zara's peachy collection is so perfect for the spring.

5. Our Nude Clutch in beige with Shoemint heel sandals.

6. Our Belgian Clutch with Zara heels.

I really like both Zara and Shoemint shoes. They are so designer and affordable. I have always been a big fan of Zara, but recently gotten to know about Shoemint through browsing on Instagram. 

Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to leave a comment. :)



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